Products That Scream, 'Wow, That's Smart!'

There are some products that just make you go, “Wow, that’s smart! I wish I’d thought of that.”

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Maybe they solve a common problem, maybe they were invented by a kid.

What’s the secret to coming up with a product like this?

“The product concept has to be something that somebody wants to repeat — whether it’s a slogan, a logo or a product,” said Amilya Antonetti from Lucky Napkin, a company that helps entrepreneurs take their product from concept to consumer, says the formula is simple: “The product concept has to be something that somebody wants to repeat — whether it’s a slogan, a logo or a product,” she said. “If people are repeating it, there’s a way to make money,” Antonetti said.

Here are 10 productsthat make you go, “Wow, that’s smart!” and want to tell someone about it. They were invented by engineers, moms — even kids. And some of them made a ton of money from that one simple idea!

Watch Cindy demonstrate some of the products on "The Today Show with Kathie Lee and Hoda":