Your Money Your Vote 2011 — Debate Criteria


—NOVEMBER 9, 2011


The purpose of these eligibility standards is to give Americans watching the "Your Money, Your Vote: The Republican Presidential Debate" on CNBC on Wednesday, November 9, an opportunity to hear all Republicans who have a reasonable prospect of becoming the GOP nominee and who have demonstrated that they are in a credible position to be a principal competitor in the early stages of the nominating contest.

1.A candidate must have formally announced his/her intention to seek the Presidency.


2. A candidate must demonstrate that he/she has registered at least three percent (3%) support by November 1st as the preferred nominee among Republicans in a methodologically sound and recognized national poll conducted by one of the following survey organizations since the November 2010 elections: Gallup, Bloomberg, NBC/WSJ, ABC/Washington Post, CBS/The New York Times, CNN, FOX and Associated Press.


After the live debate has concluded, non-NBC media and individuals, including blogs and Internet media, may make unlimited use of the debate and excerpts, with appropriate credit to CNBC, for the purpose of analyzing, reporting on, or commenting on the debate. Detailed usage guidelines are below.

Detailed usage guidelines

1. Unlimited excerpts of CNBC’s telecast of each debate listed may be used in all media, where the primary purpose is to report on, comment on, or analyze the Forum, subject to the following restrictions:

a. On television, an unobstructed onscreen credit “CNBC” must appear during each excerpt and remain on screen for the entire excerpt. On the Internet, each excerpt must stream with the unobstructed credit as described above, or a link to, or a credit appearing in the media player or adjacent space for the duration of the stream.

b. On radio, each excerpt must be introduced with an audio credit to CNBC.

c. No excerpt may air or stream in any medium until the live debate concludes.

d. Any adaptations or alterations of the debate content must be clearly labeled as such.

e. No use of the audio or video of the debate is permitted for the purpose of advertising for any company, product, cause or candidate.

2. No CNBC debate may be used in any medium where the primary purpose is to retransmit the debate or excerpts of the debate for Commercial Use. Commercial Use shall be interpreted as any use for which the primary intent is to procure a commercial advantage or private compensation. Without limitation, examples of Commercial Use include: charges for downloads or streaming; using debate video or audio to promote a website or product; or advertising preceding or during video or audio of the debate. The inclusion of text or search ads such as Google Ad Sense, Yahoo! Search Marketing, Microsoft AdCenter, or similar services, shall not be considered a Commercial Use.

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