New Book Offers Tips on How to Increase Employee Performance, Lessen Stress and Even Enjoy a Better Sex Life

GUEST AUTHOR BLOG: How Great Leaders Create An Engaged Workplace by Kevin Kruse and Rudy Karsan, authors of "We: How to Increase Performance and Profits through Full Engagement."

, by Rudy Karson and Kevin Kruse
, by Rudy Karson and Kevin Kruse

In organizations of any size, there is arguably nothing more important for both the employee and organization than full engagement.

In “We,”my co-author Rudy Karsan and I dig deep to reveal the nature of work in the modern organization and the keys to achieving full engagement at work—both for individual and, subsequently, the organization at large. We also dissect and analyze the strong linkage between the success of the individual and the organization for which he or she works. We reach a singular conclusion—people who are fully engaged at work are more productive, provide better service and stay with their companies longer—all of which leads to better business outcomes.

Both this assertion and the data presented throughout the book are based on the analysis of 10 million worker surveys that were conducted in 150 countries, and our own experiences leading fast growth companies. During the course of our research and analysis, we identified some fundamental conclusions about the manner in which managers and professional workers conduct themselves within their organizations, regardless of size, geography or industry.

We have highlighted the three primary high-impact drivers of engagement:

  1. Growth: Team members need to feel they are growing in their careers and learning new things.
  2. Recognition: Team members need to feel that their ideas and accomplishments are appreciated.
  3. Trust: Team members need to trust senior leadership and feel confident about the future.

The book reveals that when employees are fully engaged at work, it yields significant implications of all aspects of their lives. It points out that fully engaged employees are likely to experience less stress in their marriage, as well as less adverse health effects and even a more active sex life.

"Fully engaged employees are likely to experience less stress in their marriage, as well as less adverse health effects and even a more active sex life." -Author, "We", Kevin Kruse

The book demonstrates how managers and their employees must understand the importance of being fully engaged at work and it offers a playbook for fostering and maintaining that engagement. It offers tips, quizzes and online resources for both employers and employees, while also recognizing that there are situations where no matter what the employer or employee does, the possibility of engagement will not be likely. For example, an employee who does everything right will remain disengaged if he works for a bad manager. Likewise, the best managers cannot engage the employee who works in the wrong or the wrong industry. The book shows how managers and their employees must understand the importance of being fully engaged at work and it offers a playbook for fostering and maintaining that engagement.

“We” is broken down into the following four parts:

  1. Part One, Career Life: which analyzes how jobs have changed over time and their critical importance to our happiness in life.
  2. Part Two, The You in We: which gives career management tips and provides a playbook for managing career growth.
  3. Part Three, How Great Leaders Harmonize Teams: which articulates how employees must be both engaged and aligned to reach “harmonization” – and central to the book – how organizations can analyze the direct and powerful correlation between harmonization and business performance and financial results.
  4. Part Four, Manager’s ToolKit: a practical and tactical guide designed to help managers maximize employee engagement though proven suggestions for improvement in these critical areas.

Written for employees who want to become more engaged and anyone in a management role who aspires to create a workplace culture environment that fosters employee growth, recognition and trust. The book applies post-recession learnings but is also highly relevant for organizations seeking to establish and maintain high levels of employee engagement in any economic environment.

Kevin Kruse is the co-author of the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today bestseller, We: How to Increase Performance and Profits Through Full Engagement, a popular keynote speaker, and serial entrepreneur. His articles on leadership, engagement andbusiness excellence have appeared in Business Week, Fast Company, Business Insider and numerous other publications. Kevin is the founder and President of The Kruse Group, and formerly of AXIOM, Kenexa, and ACI. When not busy at his day job he invests as an angel at Delaware Crossing, is co-owner of Team Capital Bank, and builds libraries in Asia with The Library Project. Kevin lives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania with his three children.

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