Worst States in America, Best Office Space and Regretting Regret

CNBC Small Business - Around the Web
CNBC Small Business - Around the Web

Wondering where to do business? The Atlantic tells you where not to go, with its look at the 10 Worst-Performing States in America.

Wished you'd made a different business decision?Don't regret regret, advises journalist Kathryn Schultz in this enlightening Ted Talk.

Slate makes the case for retail health clinics in a simple chart.

Still wondering if Twitter, Facebook and other social media tools are worthwhile? Mashable
profiles five CEOs who manage to Tweet and post and still find time to run their companies.

How great is this office? If you want to make sure your employees stay late every night, check out the nifty office space for of branding agency Jackrabbit Design Inc., via The Wall Street Journal.

email: patricia.orsini@nbcuni.com