Lightning Round: Ebix, Yum! Brands, NovaGold Resources and More

Silver Wheaton : Cramer says sell.

Ebix : Ebix is a good enterprise software company, the "Mad Money" host said. However, he thinks Guidewire Software is even better.

American Realty Capital Trust : Cramer prefers Annaly Capital Management because of its dividend.

Yum! Brands : Cramer thinks this is a terrific stock.

Medtronic : Cramer is a seller of Medtronic. He would buy Allergan instead.

NovaGold Resources : The company's splitting off of its copper assets will create a lot of value, Cramer said. However, no one likes the gold miner stocks. He would "keep it in check and wait for it to go below $7."

Time Warner : People may not realize it, but TWX is a housing play, Cramer said. He likes it very much.

CSX: Cramer doesn't like the coal stocks and CSX ships a lot of coal.

When this story was published, Cramer's charitable trust owned Yum! Brands.

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