Your First Move For Thursday June 14th

Here’s our Fast Money Final Trade. Our gang gives you tomorrow’s best trades, right now.

Mike Murphy, founder of Rosecliff Capital, suggests long Haliburton. “I think it put in a bottom and you can buy it here," he says.

Tim Seymour, founder of, recommends long TSU as a bullish bet on Brazil.

Dan Nathan, editor and co-founder of, says “fade the strength in JPMorgan.”

Karen Finerman, president of Metropolitan Capital, is a buyer of 'Letter M'. (Click here for all the details.)

Brian Kelly, founder of Shelter Harbor Capital, is a buyer of the US dollar. “I’d play it longUUP ,” he says.

Click here to see other Final Trade posts.

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Trader disclosure: On June 13, 2012, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s "Fast Money" were owned by the "Fast Money" traders; Tim Seymour is long BAC; Tim Seymour is long INTC; Tim Seymour is long SBUX; Brian Kelly is long UUP; Karen Finerman is long AAPL; Karen Finerman is long BAC; Karen Finerman is long JPM; Karen Finerman is long WMT; Karen Finerman is long TGT; Karen Finerman is long RIMM calls; Karen Finerman is long M; Karen Finerman is short SPY; Karen Finerman is short IWM; Karen Finerman is short MDY; Dan Nathan is long AAPL; Dan Nathan is long BAC; Dan Nathan is long JPM; Dan Nathan is long MS; Dan Nathan is long IBM; Dan Nathan is long RIMM; Dan Nathan is long WMT; Dan Nathan is long FB

For Michael Weinstein
JP Morgan makes a market in JNJ