The Bacon Sundae—A Taste Test

Source: Burger King

Bacon. Ice cream. Hot fudge. Caramel. All four 'major food groups' are now combined into one perfect treat. But is the sum less than its parts?

Burger King hopes to find out this summer, as it rolls out, for a limited time, the Bacon Sundae.

The dessert is really a lure to promote new bacon-related burgers as BK continues to expand its menu and prepares for an IPO.

Yes, time for another fast food chain to roll out some outrageous food item which includes America's hottest ingredient—bacon.

After Jack in the Box succeeded earlier this year in generating buzz with its bacon milk shake (you may recall I was not a fan), Burger King is hoping the new sundae will be the crowning achievement in its efforts to recapture the #2 title from Wendy's.

The new Bacon Sundae costs $2.49 at the Burger King in Burbank, where we purchased ours. Compare that to $1 for a regular sundae here. Also, the Bacon Sundae is 12-oz., compared to nine for the non-bacon one.

How unhealthy is it? The sundae weighs in at 510 calories, 61 grams of sugar, and 18 grams of fat. Take that,(New York City) Mayor Bloomberg.

How does it taste? We bought three of them and handed them out to three friends meeting for breakfast: Jan Staabert, James Kezios, and Dino Chenos.

I don't know what was more entertaining, the sundaes or the guys. Watch their reactions as one loves the sundae, one says it's ok, and one doesn't like it (but keeps on eating ... )

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