Obama's Hug, Joe Biden's Biker Gang

U.S. President Barack Obama hugs Scott Van Duzer, owner of Big Apple Pizza and Pasta Italian Restaurant during a visit to the restaurant in Fort Pierce, Florida.
Getty Images
U.S. President Barack Obama hugs Scott Van Duzer, owner of Big Apple Pizza and Pasta Italian Restaurant during a visit to the restaurant in Fort Pierce, Florida.

In case you were so submerged in football this weekend (RG3! Peyton!) that you blissfully forgot there's a presidential election upon us, you may have missed some of the strangest photos of the season.

The first photograph shows Florida pizza parlor owner Scott Van Duzer, a Republican, lifting President Barack Obama off the ground in a bear hug.

What??? How did the Secret Service let this happen? Well, the hug may not have been quite as spontaneous as it appears. (Read More: Did the Pizza Shop Owner Tip Off His Obama Hug?)

The New York Times reports Van Duzer asked the President's security detail for permission ahead of time and was told, “I was alright as long as I didn’t take him away.”

Then there was the second photo opp.

It does not appear anyone was prepared for the female biker who ended up sitting in Vice President Joe Biden's lap. Again, WHAT???

Another photo in the sequence shows the VP rubbing the woman's shoulders. Did Dr. Jill Biden approve this message?

My favorite part of the whole incident is the look on the faces of the two leather-clad men sitting on either side of the veep. They seem to be thinking, "Get me outta here, this is scaring me." I bet they know something about scaring.

Almost immediately after the Biden photo hit the Internet, Twitter started trending with #JoeBidenBikerGangs. Americans — er, literally — began crafting potential names of a motorcycle gang for the man who's a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Here are some of my favorites:

Sons of Lobotomy (@iowahawkblog)

Sons of Malarkey (@CollumGrissom)

Sons of AARP (@MeganSmiles)

Sons of Solyndra (@SteveVParker)

Hair Club for Bikers (@SamValley)

CHAAAAINS gang (@TheSavvy)

Easy Bribers (@GreeneBri)

You Didn't Build that Bike Club (@Clint_EastChair)

Rolling Blunder (@ToddKincannon)

Literally Hell's Angels (@EricKohn)

I love this stuff. The biker photo is one of those rare, unscripted, Clint Eastwood-style off the cuff moments which we could use more of in this election. (Read More: Clint Eastwood Makes His Day ... at the GOP Convention.)

It also allows the American people to unleash one of their greatest monetizable assets: snark, stamped with "those three proud words, 'Made in the USA'."

—By CNBC's Jane Wells

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