Your First Move for Thursday, Oct. 4

Here’s our Fast Money Final Trade. Our gang gives you tomorrow’s best trades, right now.

Brian Kelly is a buyer of United States Natural Gas Fund.

Stephen Weiss is a seller of Vale.

Josh Brown is a buyer of health care ETF XLV.

Jon Najarian is a buyer of Murphy Oil.

Click here to see other Final Trade posts.

Trader disclosure: On Oct. 3, 2012, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s “Fast Money” were owned by the “Fast Money” traders: Najarian is long AAPL; Jon Najarian is long BAC; Jon Najarian is long FB; Jon Najarian is long AMZN; Jon Najarian is long GOOG; Jon Najarian is long BBY; Jon Najarian is long LEN; Jon Najarian is long NFLX; Josh Brown is long AAPL; Josh Brown is long GDX; Josh Brown is long GLD; Josh Brown is long XLU; Josh Brown is long TLT; Josh Brown is long XLF; Josh Brown is long WMT; Josh Brown is long TGT; Brian Kelly is long QQQ; Brian Kelly is long NAT GAS; Brian Kelly is long UNG; Brian Kelly is long GLD; Brian Kelly is long SLV; Brian Kelly is long COPPER; Brian Kelly is long JJC; Stephen Weiss is long AIG; Stephen Weiss is long VZ; Stephen Weiss is long VOD; Stephen Weiss is long T; Stephen Weiss is long QOM; Stephen Weiss is long HK; Stephen Weiss is long UGL; Stephen Weiss is short AAPL PUTS; Stephen Weiss is short VALE; Stephen Weiss is short AKS; Stephen Weiss is short BHP.

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