Cleveland Hustles: 'Expanding Horizons' Gallery


Sean Adkins of Old City Soda wheels and deals with the Detroit Shoreway Community Development Corporation to reclaim the lofts pace that eluded him once before.

The architects have gotten involved with Cleveland Bagel Company and Alan Glazen knows a fight over the budget is coming sooner or later. He's ready.

Anne Hartnett and her investor Kathy Futey meet with their architect for GroundSwell build-out. Bonin Bough, the host of Cleveland Hustles, sits in and expresses some valid concerns.

Bonin visits with Alan and the founders of the Cleveland Bagel Company to see how their construction plans are going. Even though the location is outside of the Gordon Square area, Bonin can see their vision.

Amanda Brinkman runs a marketing company and she stops by to lend her expertise to Old City Soda. It's time for them to step up their branding.

Anne and Bonin catch up. He loves that she shoots for the moon as evidenced by her latest idea. She wants to create the yoga version of South by Southwest. It could be huge!

Notice the shock on Jaclyn's Watcher's face when Bonin says that he might be able to get one of their bags to Gwyneth Paltrow. She and her husband Phillip have always imagined Gwyneth as their ideal customer.

Anne Hartnett of GroundSwell meets with the owners of Spice Acres. She loves the place and ends up throwing her first event there, despite the bats.

Kumar and Bonin meet with the guys from Old City Soda to congratulate them on their distribution deal. Plus, they finally got a pasteurizing machine which means they can move out of the refrigerated section of stores.

At in New York City, Alan and the Cleveland Bagel guys pass an impromptu taste test against New York's best bagels! The team is impressed.

Jaclyn Watcher walks away from the table whenJonathon Sawyer gets stern with her and her husband Phillip about not signing their contract. Later, the husband and wife founders of Fount sign the agreement and put it all behind them.