The Profit

The Profit: 'Pacific Hospitality' Gallery


Marcus meets Gilbert and his daughter Ana. They seem to be in good spirits but Ana is terrified about losing the business that her father started—a commercial furniture company called Pacific Hospitality.

Marcus decides to invest by writing a check. He's hoping to merge Pacific Hospitality with Grafton Furniture, a residential furniture company that he's already invested in.

Steve and Stevie, the father and son team that run Grafton Furniture, have come to check out Pacific Hospitality. Soon, Steve starts criticizing Pacific Hospitality's products.

Pacific Hospitality's 6,000 square foot warehouse is cluttered and ineffective. Marcus decides to throw out anything that hasn't been touched in five months. Ana agrees but bursts into tears when her designs get tossed.

Marcus wants Ana to lead the design for The Simple Greek, a chain of restaurants that he's already invested in. Meanwhile, Steve wants to compete with Ana for that business.

When Steve and Ana do the presentations for Sam Lundy of The Simple Greek, Sam is impressed by Ana's commercial designs but underwhelmed by Steve's. Steve has a hard time accepting this.

As Steve complains about Ana's design work she looks off into space. Moments later, she calls him a bully, which stops him in his tracks. After that, he leaves Ana alone.

When Marcus makes Ana the head of design for ALL of his companies, including The Simple Greek, she can't help but give him a hug. It's a dream come true and a huge validation of her talents.

Now that Grafton and Pacific Hospitality have been merged, Marcus has connected the two offices with state of the art technology, including AT&T Connected. This will cut down on travel costs.

Marcus gets another hug from Ana when he comes to visit the finished showroom. She says that him kicking her in the pants has made her a better businesswoman.

Gilbert looks better and feels better now that he doesn't have the stress of a failing business looming over him. He even took a vacation for a whole week! He's a new man.