The Definitive Guide to Business

The CEO of a multimillion-dollar company shares her trick to de-stress in seconds

Jessica Dilullo Herrin, CEO and founder of Stella & Dot, shares her best business advice.
Source: © Brook Todd

Jessica Dilullo Herrin is founder and CEO of fashion company Stella & Dot, which posts annual revenue of about $300 million.

From the time she rises at 5 a.m. until the minute she tucks in her kids at night, she works nonstop.

And yet, she's able to fit exercise and meditation into her daily routine.

"I think when you tell someone that they've got to exercise every day and they've got to do meditation, it sounds like something that's going to take more time and add more stress to their life," Herrin told CNBC while on her 7 o'clock morning walk.

"But when you incorporate it into your existing day, it feels a lot more doable," she said.

Her quick and easy trick to de-stress? Take three "mini mental vacays" each day.

In her book "Find Your Extraordinary," Herrin describes how taking even a few seconds to tune out work, family and other things that demand your attention can completely reset your brain.

By taking three brief mental vacations throughout the day, you're better able to focus and think creatively, she said. "I tried to break down this idea of mindfulness into a very tactical, actionable and easy way of meditating through the day."

Herrin isn't the only powerful executive who makes time to meditate or to suggest that it doesn't have to take long.

Media mogul Oprah Winfrey, for example, has said she meditates before leaving for work, and depending on the day, she sits in silence for either a few seconds or a few minutes.

Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff and Tupperware Chief Executive Rick Goings also meditate daily.

"It's radically transformed the way I think and feel — and focus, which is essential for making the right business decisions," Herrin said.

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