
Billionaire Richard Branson's best advice for future generations comes from Dr. Seuss

David A. Grogan | CNBC

Sir Richard Branson has launched more than two hundred businesses, one of which aims to democratize space travel. The billionaire lives in a reality where pushing boundaries and asking out-sized questions is the norm.

It's his role as grandfather, though, that is pushing the tech titan and iconic entrepreneur to wrestle with the profound question, "What does it mean to live a full and successful life?"

Branson has four young grandchildren: Three toddlers and one newborn, he says in a new blog post.

"I've been thinking a lot about the meaning of life and about the things that I want to teach them so that they live the best life possible," Branson says.

Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is You-er than You!
Dr. Seuss
children's book author

The Virgin founder and chairman says he keeps coming back to a quote from the children's book "Happy Birthday to You!" by Dr. Seuss.

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is You-er than You!"

Branson suffers from dyslexia. He has had to learn to embrace his uniqueness, rather than allow it to be an impediment.

"Yourself is always the best version of you — and being yourself is among the best advice I have ever received," says Branson.

The billionaire and voracious reader also recommends that grown ups reacquaint themselves with Dr. Seuss' body of work, writing, "There is more wisdom and humour in his cartoons and rhymes than in any number of lengthy and highbrow books."

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