
If your resume isn’t a single page, don’t bother sending it

Abhishek Agarwal
Why one page is the right length for your resume
Why one page is the right length for your resume

About two weeks ago (closer to a few months now — this lived a whole lifetime as a draft), I posted on Twitter and on Facebook about how there is absolutely no reason for your resume to be longer than a single page if you've worked for 10 years or less. The post drew significant debate and discussion, and this is something I feel quite strongly about, so I decided to pen my views down.

Another trigger that made me pen this down was that I've been actively helping startups hire through building and sharing a curated list of candidates (read this). And the sheer number of multi-page resumes I come across is worrying, if nothing else.

Purpose of a resume

Ask yourself, 'What purpose does it serve?' The way I see it, only one: To get you an opportunity to interview.

Not to tell people you won a race in Standard III. It is NOT your ego massage central — please don't treat it as such. As you grow, a lot of your older accomplishments have little meaning if any at all. Let them go.

Wear the recruiter hat

If you've been at a stage where you've been actively hiring yourself, this should come more easily: For a minute, wear the recruiter hat for a particular vacancy.

This is a tad worse when the person skimming is HR and not from the functional team who you're going to be working with/for.

Resume vs. CV vs. bio vs. portfolio

Technically, these mean entirely different things, yes. In most contexts however, résumé and CV are used interchangeably. Here's how I'd look at these:

  • Resume / CV: Single-page document, bullet points, summary of experiences professional and academic, hints at personality traits through sharing positions and responsibilities, philanthropic work, interests.
  • Bio: One or two paragraphs of simple text that are a good summary of you and your key skills sets and expertise.
  • Portfolio: More relevant for certain individuals (designers, architects, artists, musicians), this to me is a document capturing the best work you've done so far.

Examples of great single-pager resumes

I thought it might help if I included a few good sample one pager resumes to look at, for reference, including Elon Musk, Hilary Clinton, Marissa Mayer and Kris Nair.

Here's mine as well, albeit a tad dated, but also because it may be a tad more relateable.


Yes, you're God's greatest gift to mankind.

You needn't prove that on your resume. Just get the damn interview.

This article originally appeared on

Here are the most creative resumes we've ever seen
Here are the most creative resumes we've ever seen