Jay Leno’s Garage

Baker Electric


Jay Leno owns this Baker Electric, which was manufactured in 1909.

When the Baker Electric was manufactured, its MSRP was $2,500.

The Baker Electric was specifically marketed to women as a clean and safe vehicle.

This is not a speedy vehicle. The Baker Electric can only go between 20-25 mph.

Jay Leno says he's driven the Baker Electric on the Los Angeles 405 highway.

According to Jay Leno, the Baker Electric is "quite fru fru inside."

In New York City, women loved the Baker Electric to go shopping at high-end stores like Macy's and Gimbles

Jay Leno's Assess and Caress pal Donald Osborne says the Baker Electric has appreciated to $75,000.

Fun fact: the fenders on the Baker Electric are made out of leather.

Unlike its other competitors in the early 1900, the Baker Electric lights were all electric.

The Baker Electric was used as a taxicab at the turn of the century.