Closing The Gap

The simple mindset shift the CEO of KPMG used to get promoted

The simple mindset shift the CEO of KPMG used to get promoted
The simple mindset shift the CEO of KPMG used to get promoted

Lynne Doughtie likes to tell people, "Your leaders can't read your mind."

Doughtie became the first female CEO of KPMG, one of the illustrious Big Four accounting firms, in 2015. She says learning to be vocal about her goals was key to the promotions she earned throughout her career.

The now-CEO says she was already well into her career when she noticed that her male colleagues were speaking up about the next role they wanted while she was sitting back waiting for it to happen. It's important, Doughtie says, to have open conversations with your leaders —when you make your career aspirations known, you'll find that others are willing to help.