
Gen Z prioritizes making money and having a successful career


When it comes to career and financial goals, the young people entering the workforce aren't so different from the generations that came before them.

Gen Z adults between ages 18 and 21 prioritize making money and having a successful career, according to a new report from Morning Consult that interviewed people across generations about money, careers, politics and more. Those two goals are more important to them than having close friendships, getting married or traveling.

Gen Z is "notably more likely than older generations to value doing what it takes to get ahead in life," Morning Consult reports, and values individualism over a hierarchical system. In fact, the biggest difference between Gen Z and older adults is that the former places much more emphasis on individualism.

Like generations of young Americans before them, Gen Z reports they generally distrust authority with just 7% said that they trusted Congress "a lot," and less than 25% think older generations have made the world a better place.

When it comes to money, Gen Z and millennials hold similar views. Saving is a top priority for both generations, as is job security and earning a decent salary. Millennials put more stock in workplace benefits like quality health care, parental leave and vacation time than Gen Z, according to Morning Consult, but that's not so surprising considering that they likely haven't needed to use those perks yet.

Young adults are more likely than older Americans to use a debit card or cash rather than a credit card to pay for everyday purchases. Though like the other aspects of this report, that could have to do with their age and ability to access credit.

Where Gen Z really differentiates itself from previous generations is that members are more likely to define themselves by their work, and a larger proportion has aspirations of being famous. But if millennials and Gen X are any indication, Gen Z might grow out of that.

Don't miss: How millennials and Gen Z are reshaping the future of the workforce

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