• The big upset for Democrat Doug Jones in the Alabama Senate race against Roy Moore has set off worries in the business world about a mid-term election rout.
  • If Democrats take back control of the Senate government dysfunction could return.
  • However, one CEO says the markets and economy would be fine, maybe even better, without so much power wielded by the GOP and President Trump.

In the factless and amoral era that President Trump has ushered in, it seemed certain last night that Roy Moore, the evolution denier who is haunted by pedophilia allegations, would sail into the Senate decrying that "fake news" had lost again. Surely Alabama — the most reliably conservative state where the ghost of segregationist George Wallace still pollutes the air — wouldn't reject any candidate who President Trump had touted. But the monolithic wall of GOP support cracked and Alabama sent a Democrat to the U.S. Senate for the first time in 25 years.

While this was a huge victory for progressives, the suddenly very real prospect of Trump losing Congress in 2018 is causing anxiety amongst business leaders about what might happen to the economy. As an entrepreneur who has spent the last 20 years building and selling companies, I am here to tell you that not only will America be fine if Trump loses congress in 2018, but it would be a complete positive.

Here's why:

It's the economy, stupid.