Your commute shouldn't just be a daily chore. It can become a personal journey in which you enrich your career, enlighten your mind, and enhance your happiness. But too many people don't make the most of their travel to and from their office. Here are three things you can do to make the most of your time going to work.

First, create a short list of goals for the day. The morning is when you prepare for your coming day. It's when you can prioritize what you most want to get done, and in which order these items should be accomplished.

During your commute, select the top three things you want to get done at work. For example, you might list these things: 1. register for an upcoming conference, 2. talk to my manager about a raise and 3. finalize the marketing presentation. By having a concrete list, you will know exactly what needs to get done when you walk through your office door. If you don't have such a plan, you will find yourself reacting to incoming tasks at work instead of pushing forward on the goals most important to you.