• U.S. businesses shelled out $4.4 billion in tariffs in September, a surge of more than 50 percent from the same month a year ago, according to an industry coalition called Tariffs Hurt the Heartland.
  • Duties on steel and aluminum imports cost U.S. companies about $545 million in September, the data show.
  • Tariffs levied against China accounted for $800 million in September, even though the bulk didn't take effect until the end of the month.

WASHINGTON – American businesses are paying much more in tariffs than they did last year, due mainly to President Donald Trump's aggressive trade policies, according to an analysis by industry groups.

U.S. businesses shelled out $4.4 billion in tariffs in September, a surge of more than 50 percent from the same month a year ago, according to the groups, which are operating under a coalition called Tariffs Hurt the Heartland. The increase was largely driven by $1.4 billion in Trump administration tariffs on Chinese imports and foreign steel and aluminum, the group said.