• Amazon-owned PillPack found a way to access its patients' prescription information via a third-party called ReMy Health.
  • Surescripts, which contracts with ReMy, said this represents "unauthorized access" to its network. Surescripts is the largest e-prescribing company in the United States.
  • Amazon threatened to sue Surescripts. In turn, Surescripts claimed fraud and said it's turning the matter over to the FBI.

Surescripts is upping its battle with Amazon-owned PillPack, accusing a third company of providing PillPack with patient prescription information "fraudulently," and turning the matter over to the FBI. It's the latest in a series of moves that could make it harder for Amazon to enter the prescription drug market.

Americans are spending an excessive amount on prescription drugs, the cost of which likely topped $330 billion in 2018. Amazon made its first steps into the space in 2018, when it acquired online pharmacy start-up called PillPack.