• Shares of retailers Nordstrom, Kohl's, Dilliard's and J.C. Penney tank after Macy's lowered its profit outlook in an earnings miss.
  • Macy's move underlines the challenges in the retail sector.

Shares of department stores Nordstrom, Kohl's, Dilliard's, and J.C. Penney tanked Wednesday after Macy's lowered its profit outlook in an earnings miss that underlined challenges in the retail sector.

Macy's shares closed Wednesday down 13%,  while Nordstrom and Kohl's skidded 10%, J.C. Penney dropped nearly 5% and Dilliard's was less than 2% lower. Macy's fell to its lowest level since February 2010, while Nordstrom's low was its worst since July 2009.