• Thus far, four public pension plans — totaling more than $1.2 billion in assets — have ended their relationship with the firm, following Ken Fisher’s controversial comments at a conference.
  • In all, Fisher Investments had 36 government entities, including municipal pension plans, as clients, amounting to $10.9 billion in assets under management,according to SEC filings.
  • Pension fiduciaries often proceed slowly when hiring and firing money managers, so parting with a manager in a matter of days is unexpected, attorneys say.
Kenneth Fisher, chief executive officer of Fisher Investments, speaks at the Forbes Global CEO Conference in Sydney, Australia, on Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2010.

It remains to be seen how long other clients will stick with billionaire money manager Ken Fisher in the wake of off-color and sexist comments he recently made at an investing conference.

The Iowa Public Employees Retirement System on Friday notified the firm it would end its contract. Fisher Investments oversees $386 million of the IPERS $34 billion trust fund.