• Dozens of scientists and doctors were brought on to consult for the 2011 Steven Soderbergh film "Contagion." 
  • They took pains to ensure that the film would be mostly accurate. 
  • Here's how they're reflecting on it now, as the world is grappling with the real-life Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. 
A scene from the movie "Contagion."

The 2011 movie "Contagion" is seeing a surge in popularity as people look for explanations of what's happening in the world today. The movie is almost shocking in its accuracy: Its creators seemed to see a pandemic coming, and how various countries would react to it. 

Few mainstream movies spend big budgets on ensuring scientific accuracy, but "Contagion" had a team of advisors checking everything from the script to the props. The work was overseen by Columbia University's Center for Infection and Immunity Ian Lipkin, and incorporated input from more than a dozen scientists, emergency room doctors, bio-safety experts and epidemiologists. The film is by no means flawlessly accurate, but it's far more true to life than most.