• Scientists at Texas A&M University Global Health Research Complex say they've detected a new Covid-19 variant that shows signs of antibody resistance.
  • The variant is named BV-1 for its Brazos Valley origin.
  • Scientists say it is related to the U.K. strain and shows signs of resistance to antibody neutralization.

Scientists at Texas A&M University's Global Health Research Complex say they've detected a new Covid-19 variant that shows signs of a more contagious strain that causes more severe illness and appears to be resistant to antibodies.

The new variant, BV-1, named after its Brazos Valley origin, was found during Texas A&M's routine coronavirus screening via saliva sample in a young student who had mild cold-like symptoms. The student tested positive for Covid on March 5 and tested positive again on March 25, showing that the new strain may cause a longer infection in younger people. The student's symptoms resolved by April 2 and a third test on April 9 came back negative.