• Chinese technology giants from Alibaba to Baidu have announced their intentions to launch ChatGPT-style products.
  • But announcements from China's biggest firms have not declared they are working on a free-for-all ChatGPT-esque chatbot, a move which could worry Beijing, which heavily censors internet content.
  • Instead, companies have spoken about the technology in application-specific scenarios, taking a more circumspect approach.

Chinese technology giants over the past week have announced their intentions to launch ChatGPT-style products, joining the artificial intelligence arms race sparked by the popular chatbot.

But announcements from China's biggest firms have not said they are working on all-encompassing platforms like the U.S.' ChatGPT, a move which could worry Beijing which heavily censors internet content. Instead, companies from Alibaba to NetEase have spoken about the technology in application-specific scenarios.