• StubHub's annual NBA preview sees ticket sales up nearly 60% for this upcoming season compared to last season.
  • Fans from 92 countries will flock to North America for games in a 120% increase in international ticket sales, the company said.
  • LeBron James' Los Angeles Lakers top the list as the most in-demand team. The defending champion Denver Nuggets didn't crack the top 10.
Anthony Davis, #3 of the Los Angeles Lakers, drives to the basket during the game against the Milwaukee Bucks at Arena in Los Angeles on Oct. 15, 2023.

With the National Basketball Association season tipping off next week, StubHub sees ticket sales up nearly 60% compared to last year, with the Los Angeles Lakers returning to the top of the list as the most in-demand team.

The ticket exchange's annual NBA preview breaks down the company's projections for the upcoming basketball season based on years of data, according to spokesperson Adam Budelli. The season kicks off Oct. 24.