Season 1

Fine Arts Express

Donald Rasch

Donald Rasch, together with Biron Valier, are responsible for the theft of 130 pieces of fine art taken from the Fine Arts Express storage facility in St. Louis, Mo.

Rothko Painting

This work by Mark Rothko was stolen from an art storage facility in St. Louis and eventually recovered in Japan. (Source: SA Frank Brostrom, FBI)

Raffael Painting

This painting by Joseph Raffael has been returned to its rightful owners. (Source: Mari-Claudia Jimenez)

Traylor Watercolor

This piece by Bill Traylor, named "Turkey", was stolen from Fine Arts Express in 2002 and recovered by the FBI and local police two years later. (Source: Mari-Claudia Jimenez)

Zorach Sculpture

This granite sculpture by William Zorach has been valued at as much as $35,000. (Source: Mari-Claudia Jimenez)

Picasso Print

This lithograph by Pablo Picasso was stolen from Fine Arts Express art storage warehouse in 2002. To this day, it remains missing. (Source: Mari-Claudia Jimenez c/o David and Diane Harter)

Private Eye James Anterio

Private Investigator James Anterio initiated the search for more than 130 pieces of stolen art. (Source: Kurtis Productions)

FBI Agent Frank Brostrom

Frank Brostrom is one of twelve special agents in the FBI's Art Crime Team. (Source: Kurtis Productions)

Detective Lance Harris

Bridgeton Police Detective Lance Harris worked hand-in-hand with the FBI to recover the stolen artwork. (Source: Kurtis Productions)

Detective Lance Harris

Bridgeton Police Detective Lance Harris and FBI Agent Frank Brostrom spent two years tracking down the stolen pieces of art. (Source: Kurtis Productions)

Recovered Artwork

In one day, FBI and local police retrieve 46 of the more than 130 pieces of stolen art. (Source: Det. Lance Harris, Bridgeton Police Dept.)

Margulis' Office

FBI and local police catalogue the art retrieved from Donald Rasch and Biron Valier. (Source: Det. Lance Harris, Bridgeton Police Dept.)

Donald Rasch received two years in prison for his role in the theft of more than 130 pieces of art from Fine Arts Express, an art storage facility near St. Louis. (Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Biron Valier

Biron Valier received 90 days in a federal prison for his role in the theft of more than 130 pieces of art from Fine Arts Express, an art storage facility near St. Louis. (Source: Biron Valier III)