Mad Money

Neil Young's new music venture

Neil Young's new music venture
Neil Young's new music venture

What some might not know about Neil Young is that he doesn't just make music, he also tries to change the way that people listen to music with his company, Pono.

Young's company Pono is a planned digital ecosystem for playing high definition audio that includes an online store and music player; it will be available in the first quarter of 2015. Pono will allow listeners to hear songs the way they were meant to be heard, rather than in digital form of MP3 files, Young said.

"Pono brings the feeling of the music right to you. It gives you goosebumps. Because that's what missing. You can feel the music," said Young.

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Pono is also working with Harman to have their equipment released within the 2016 model Lincoln Continental, and stated that Tesla will also be implementing the sound system into their models when Pono's music store is ready.

Many investors can make comparisons between Pono and Apple. Young told the "Mad Money" host that he spoke with Steve Jobs about his intention to release Pono to improve the music experience.

"Steve Jobs would have loved this. He was a real music lover, and listened to vinyl in his living room. I talked to him about it, and he understood why we were doing this…They made a lot of inroads to this, we are just perfecting it" said Young.

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