
Steve Wozniak's predictions for the next 40 years

Steve Wozniak: We were so young & naive
Steve Wozniak: We were so young & naive

Forty years after Apple started, the tech giant's co-founder Steve Wozniak outlined his technology predictions for the next four decades.

Wozniak said he does not believe computing power will increase as much as it has since he, Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne founded Apple. But he contended several areas, including machine learning, self-driving cars and virtual reality, will make strides in the coming years.

"We may come up with more clever ways of getting learning machines to act like the human brain," Wozniak told CNBC's "Fast Money" on Friday.

"It could start thinking for itself and learning faster than humans can," he added.

Steve Wozniak
Alberto E. Rodriguez | Getty Images | VES

Wozniak also highlighted the progress made by Facebook's Oculus and other virtual reality developers, saying they will continue to design more life-like experiences.

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As for Apple, which today is a $600 billion company, Wozniak said it has "helped mankind in so many ways." While its founders knew it would be a "big thing," they did not realize how important it would become.

"I kind of smile because we were so young and naive," Wozniak said.

He noted that he was proud Apple has stayed "itself" after 40 years.