
Amazon Go slammed as 'the end of jobs' by the New York Post

Why Amazon Go is being called the next big job killer
Why Amazon Go is being called the next big job killer

The New York Post on Monday called Amazon's register-less shopping experiment, Amazon Go, the "next major job killer" in the latest doomsday headline for retail workers.

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On Monday, the retail giant announced a new advanced supermarket where shoppers can grab items and go without waiting in checkout lines. Once customers leave the store, items are billed to their accounts.

Following the announcement, reports by Quartz and The Wall Street Journal declared the experimental store might signal the end of "millions of cashier jobs." The New York Post's front page story on Tuesday called the store "the end of jobs."

— CNBC's Anita Balakrishnan contributed to this report.

Correction: This article has been updated to reflect when the NY Post story calling Amazon Go the "next major job killer" was published.