There Must Be A Pony In Here Somewhere

Think your job is stressful? Check these jobs out!

Most & least stressful jobs
Most & least stressful jobs

Stress—gaaaaaaaah! It's everywhere these days. And nowhere do we get more stressed out than at work.

Forty percent of American workers say their job is very or extremely stressful, according to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.

Well, job site CareerCast is out with its annual lists of the 10 most and least stressful jobs for 2014.

The jobs search site takes a look at 200 jobs every year and rates them for stress based on 11 criteria, including: is your life at risk; is the environment dangerous; are you under constant deadlines; do you work in the public eye; and what's the hiring outlook?

The good news is that stress levels overall are on the decline from a year ago.

"That's primarily due to economic conditions. As the country continues to recover, stress levels continue to fall, the hiring outlook improves a little, workload improves a little and overall job stress improves a little," said Tony Lee, publisher of and

Personally, I would be bragging if I had a "least stressful" job the way I would about getting a jacket for 75-percent off. But every year, without fail, there's pushback from the people on the least-stressful list saying, "Hey, we work hard, too — we have stress!"

And that is absolutely true. There are no stress-free jobs. (Well, except maybe for the guy who does the voiceovers for Animal Planet's "Too Cute.") But, this list is comparative — not subjective, Lee says.

So, with apologies to librarians and hair stylists everywhere, compared to soldiers and firefighters, your jobs rank among the least stressful.

Click here for the 10 most stressful jobs and 10 least stressful jobs for 2014.

— By CNBC's Cindy Perman. Cindy Perman is the commentary editor for and the author of the book, "New York Curiosities." Follow her on Twitter @cindyperman.

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