
Are daughters better for your bank account?

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Parents may or may not choose favorites, but bank accounts may well do better by daughters, according to a new survey.

After they turn 18, daughters are less likely than their male counterparts to move home or need financial assistance, according to a new survey, reports. The survey, conducted by Harris Poll for Yodlee Interactive, also found that adults daughters are also more likely to provide care for their parents later in life, according to Time.

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The survey found that 41 percent of adult men with living parents say they receive money from their folks, while 31 percent of women in the same situation see their incomes supplemented, Time reported. Men are also more likely to live with their parents than women, at 32 percent and 25 percent, respectively, according to Time's reading of the survey.

Son's aren't always a drag on income, though. The survey found that they "are slightly more likely to help subsidize their parents' living costs than daughters are, even as women are more likely to be the caregivers," Time reported.

—By CNBC staff