Cable TV

Google's next brainchild: Giant TVs

Google's secret TV project
Google's secret TV project

Think Legos, but with screens that together make up a giant TV of different sizes and shapes.

This is Google's latest invention, led by former Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Mary Lou Jepsen, who heads Google's display technology division, reports The Wall Street Journal.

The details of the project are very hush-hush—it's unknown how big the screens are nor the size of the full display. To date, the largest screen is a little more than nine feet diagonally and costs $120,000 on Amazon, said Riddhi Patel, reserach director at NPD DisplaySearch.

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Justin Solomon | CNBC

A major challenge that the project's team is tackling is how to make the smaller display screens fit together seamlessly so the individual borders are not visible.

"The big challenge is to electronically, and through software, do the stitching between the seams," said a person familiar with the project. The person added that Google is recruiting new experts to solve the problem.

Patel said in theory, these large screens may be used in homes for multi-tasking—a person can watch television, browse the Internet and read email simultaneously on the big screen.

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