
Oh! House of Cards season 3 just...oh, wait

Source: House of Cards | Facebook

Netflix just had a big "oops" moment.

The new season of the company's hit show "House of Cards" briefly became available to watch on Wednesday afternoon, sending Twitter into a frenzy. But the good news didn't last long.

Episodes from the new season, which was originally scheduled to air on Feb. 27, were quickly taken down.

While some speculated that this was a marketing ploy by the media company, Netflix says it was purely accidental.

Netflix tells CNBC that the new season was accidentally published because of a bug in its system.

While Netflix claims the leak was purely accidental, the company still had a little bit of fun with the incident on Twitter.

The House of Cards Twitter account tweeted the following message after the episodes were taken down.

"This is Washington. There's always a leak. All 13 episodes will launch February 27."