
This is the most in-demand job title at companies like Facebook, Google and Amazon

Employees at Facebook are seen working inside the office at Facebook Inc.'s European headquarters at Hanover Quay in Dublin, Ireland.
Bloomberg | Getty Images

Jobs at tech companies like Google, Amazon and Facebook are the most sought-after roles around. But what type of employees are these companies looking to for?

Data analysis site Paysa looked at over 8,200 job posting and over 70,000 resumes at tech companies worth $10 billion or more to find what roles they are hiring for the most.

The most sought after employee by far was software engineer. Companies like Airbnb, Facebook, Snap Inc., Twitter, Uber, Amazon, Apple, Google and Oracle are all looking to hire more software engineers than any other job title.

The only company where software engineer was not the most common job opening was Microsoft, which was looking for more product experts than software engineers.

According to Paysa's results, Airbnb, Snap Inc., Twitter, Uber, Apple, Google and Microsoft are also hiring a large number of data analysts and data scientists. The ability to interpret and interact with data is a skill that many experts predict will be increasingly important as the workplace becomes more data-driven.

In an interview with CNBC, Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google's parent company Alphabet said, "I think a basic understanding of data analytics is incredibly important for this next generation of young people."

Check out the full list of in-demand job titles at big tech companies to see what you can do to improve your chances of grabbing a job with one of these employers:

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