Super Bowl May Mean Gold For Ed McMahon And MC Hammer

MC Hammer and Ed McMahon
MC Hammer and Ed McMahon

It's no surprise that, in this economy, the job Web sites— and—are advertising.

But that's not the site that could capitalize the most off their Super Bowl spot. After all, there are so many more people that are looking for jobs than there are jobs that are available.

We think the site that can cash in most is, which announced today that they will have a national spot featuring Ed McMahon and MC Hammer, who have obviously had their share of financial problems.

The company calls itself this nation's top buyer of precious metals and is certainly, among all the infomercials, one of the biggest buyers of air time these days.

What makes these spots perfect for the times is not only the fact that people are obviously more willing to sell, but that this site can — unlike most advertisers — figure out the exact return on investment from a certain call to action.

The spot, called "One-up," was interestingly shot at McMahon's Beverly Hills home, which has faced risk of foreclosure. McMahon, in the release, says he's used Cash4Gold before.

The spot is directed by Bryan Buckley of Hungry man who directed one of my favorite Super Bowl commercial, E-Trade's "Money Coming Out The Wazoo" spot.

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