Recession Crimps Valentine's Spending—But Can't Touch Sex

The recession may be forcing sweetie pies, love muffins and schnookerdoodles to spend a little less this Valentine’s Day, but they’ll still be getting out their Barry White albums.


Oh yeah.

Lovers are expected to spend about $20 less this Valentine’s Day, dishing out just over $100 to make their schmoopy smile, the National Retail Federation reported.

But 79 percent of those who engage in sexy time said their personal financial situation has had no impact on their frequency of sex, according to a separate survey by Consumer Reports.

In fact, five percent of the people surveyed said they’re having sex more often.

I guess some people just can’t get enough of your love, babe.

Wait a minute. What about the Baby Boom? Doesn’t the, uh, “boom-”type stuff happen after the storm has passed?

Well, yes. But if you’re saving money and having dinner at home instead of going out to a fancy restaurant, that can “lead to a romantic evening,” Consumer Reports medical adviser Orly Avitzur explained to USA Today.

And, of course, there’s the obvious: "Sex can provide pleasure and boost mood while serving needs for intimacy and providing a calming effect," Avitzur is quoted as saying.

Now that’s what I call a stimulus plan.

Let the music play on.

Pony Treats:

  • Money Talks. A Daily Beast love poll found that people making more than $75,000 a year reported a more-active sex lifethan their poorer counterparts. Who said money can't buy happiness?
  • How to Play It: One astute CNN iReporter points out the subsequent recession trade: Condoms and soup. Not bad, either: Trojan parent Church and Dwight is a $50 stock, the equivalent of about 10 Bank of Americas. Durex parent SSL International trades in London under the symbol "SSL." It's a 500-pound (more than US$700) stock. Pairs nicely with Campbell's Soup .