Town Hall Questioner: Obama 'Right Man for the Job'

Velma Hart, who now-famously told President Obama at Monday's Town Hall that she was “deeply disappointed” with his attempts to revive the US economy, said on CNBC Tuesday that Obama is the “right man for the job.”

“I’m a firm believer that when you’re the head honcho, you have to be held accountable and that incorporates some hard questions,” said Hart, who is a veteran, an Obama supporter and the CFO of the veterans group AMVETS.

Hart added that while she appreciated that part of the president’s response was dead-on, his answer didn’t “dig deeply enough.” See Monday's exchange between Hart and the president.

At the Town Hall in Washington, Hart described herself as “exhausted” by the struggles associated with the slow recovery. She said that her friends and family were tired, too, and that she expects that the president is exhausted as well.

Hart is on the cover of Tuesday's New York Post with the headline “Betrayed.” The article described Hart is a “plucky Obama supporter.”

Hart said the Post headline is a false depiction of how she feels about Obama’s presidency. She added that she would vote for Obama again.

“I knew I was there [on the front page], but I didn’t realize I was there with that horrible word,” she added. “I have not felt betrayed.”