Healthy Business 2011

  • Gluten-free Rice Chex and Arrowroot Cookies marked Gluten-Free. From a Safeway store in Bethesda, Maryland.

    Among the crowded ranks of healthy food trends -- quinoa, farm-to-table, whole whole grains — one food category is growing into a genuine, industry juggernaut: gluten-free.

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    Health care is an emotional subject for many Americans — and often one of extremes.  Yet, as we obssess about the system's structure and cost, we neglect our own health. Obesity and high blood pressure are more common, while exercise and diet are overlooked.  Our special report, "Healthy Business", explores these issues.

  • Healthy Business - A CNBC Special Report

    The Centers for Disease Control considers obesity in America an epidemic; more than one out of three adults and 17 percent of all children are technically overweight to the point of obesity.

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    The Centers for Disease Control considers obesity in America an epidemic; more than one out of three adults and 17 percent of all children are technically overweight to the point of obesity.

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    More and more American women  are seeking infertility treatment to increase their chances of having a child, but there's been no change in success rates and costs remain high, even with health insurance coverage.

  • Acai Berries

    Health-conscious U.S. consumers  are buying hundreds of millions of dollars of so-called superfruits annually, even as critics contend their nutritional benefits are overblown and, in some cases, nonexistent.

  • Cost of healthcare

    Expected government cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, the uncertainty of health care reform and looming patent expirations are weighing heavily on the outlook of the biggest companies in the sector: large-cap pharmaceutical stocks.

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    The government is making an increasing number of expensive life-saving or life extending drugs and devices available to more people, but is that the right thing to do and can we afford it, anyway?

  • Wii Fit

    Manufacturers are delivering an ever growing roster of exercise games and interactive fitness technology to health clubs, YMCAs, park, recreation centers and even schools.

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    American spends more on health care than any other country. Do you know where it goes?

  • Sales of superfoods have exploded in recent years as Americans look for easy ways to make their daily diet more healthy. “Consumers are increasingly looking for healthful nutrients from foods rather than from supplements,” says Bob Jones, a principal at Scientia Advisors. Superfoods are touted for their high nutrient content and disease-fighting properties. However, the health effects of these foods are controversial. While there is no set definition for superfoods, the term is often used for ma

    Here's a look at top-selling superfoods grown in the U.S., based on retail sales data from the Perishables Group, a fresh food industry consulting firm.

  • The pharmaceutical business is an extremely profitable one. According to the , spending on medicine in the U.S. alone exceeded $307 billion in 2010. For many drug makers, one money-spinner can carry a company for years, even longer, before the patent expires and low-cost generic versions can be made. The IMS recently released its annual list of the top-10 selling drugs in the US based on sales. Each of them have brought in at least $3 billion dollars in sales. However, a majority of these drugs

    For many drug makers, one money-spinner can carry a company for years, before the patent expires.Here are the ten top-selling prescription drugs in the U.S.

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    Finally, we fib about fat. Half of us admit our profile pictures on social networking sites are intentionally shot from the waist up, nearly one in five of us have lied about our weight on official documents, and 36 percent of us who are married or in serious relationships would rather discuss the number of past sexual partners than talk about how much we truly weigh.

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    While some believe government intervention in health-care reform is the only way forward, there are already health-care organizations around the country that can deliver better quality care at a lower cost.

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    Just because you're busy running a company, doesn't mean you have to run yourself into the ground.  Get proactive—and we don't mean travel more.  See a doctor to learn  whether high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and other serious diseases may be waiting down the road.

  • Health care is one of the hottest topics both in Washington and around the country, but there is no question that the level of health varies greatly from state to state.Which US states have the healthiest populations and most robust health care systems? Which states lag behind? To help answer this question,  compiles data on all 50 states - employing a methodology that encompasses everything from public policy and clinical care to resident behaviors, community and the environment - to develop a

    Which US states have the healthiest populations and most robust health care systems? Which states lag behind? Find out now!

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    Sun protection products are one of the most important over-the-counter, consumer health products,  yet despite the rising rate of skin cancers many people don't know what to buy.

  • The fast food restaurant is a fixture of urban, suburban and rural America, appealing to people from every age group, income bracket and ethnic background. It’s as close as you can get in the United States to something everyone can agree on. Despite their dominant position in the US marketplace, the Taco Bells, Burger Kings and Pizza Huts of the nation still have to attract customers; kitchen staff, marketing departments and research teams are constantly looking for new ways to court them. Howev

    Despite their dominant position in the US marketplace, the Taco Bells, Burger Kings and Pizza Huts of the nation have had their share of bad ideas. Click to see 15 noteworthy fast food failures.

  • With 14(?) U.S. states already allowing medicinal marijuana users a legal alternative to managing their own pain, advocates fighting to legalize, regulate and tax cannabis claim their time is near. In November, California voters had the opportunity to end cannabis prohibition all together with Proposition 19 forcing the global spotlight on the issue of pot law reform for recreational use. Medicinal use of the plant, however, continue to forge on as a trojan horse of sorts. As more chronic pain s

    We consulted Danny Danko, High Times magazine's senior cultivation editor, to help us identify the most popular strains for medicinal use.

  • With the unemployment rate nationally still hovering around 9 percent, many people are grateful simply to get a paycheck - but gratitude doesn't take the stress out of the daily grind. To get a sense of the most stressful jobs in America, looked at 11 different factors that can cause stress on the job, and ranked 200 professions by how significantly these demands factor into the average workday. Factors that weighed into stress include work environment, job competitiveness, opportunity for advan

    With Americans facing high unemployment, many people with jobs are grateful to get their weekly paychecks, but that feeling alone doesn't take the stress out of the daily grind.

