
This map shows which U.S. states spend the most (and least) on household expenses


Americans shell out approximately $4.4 trillion each year to cover bills like housing, utilities and insurance. But residents of some states are paying far more than others. 

The average American family spends about $22,666 annually, or about $1,889 a month, on their household bills, according to doxo's 2021 United States of Bill Pay Report. That represents about 20% of a household's annual spending. 

That's based on doxo's calculations of the 10 most common household bills, which include: 

  • Mortgage
  • Rent
  • Auto loans
  • Utilities (electric, gas, water and sewer, waste and recycling)
  • Auto insurance
  • Cable, internet and phone
  • Health insurance (the portion consumers typically pay)
  • Mobile phone
  • Alarm and security
  • Life insurance

Across the country, the average amount spent on household expenses varies widely by state. Hawaiian residents pay the highest amount at $2,731 per month on average. That's 44.6% higher than the national average. New Jersey and California are the second- and third-highest ranked states, respectively. 

Meanwhile, those living in Arkansas, Mississippi, Indiana, New Mexico and West Virginia experience more affordable rates for their bills. Households in West Virginia spend an average of $1,485 on monthly bills, the lowest amount in the country. 

Here's a look at how every U.S. state compares, according to doxo's data.

Here's a look at how much households spend each month on their bills in each state.
Source: doxo

When it comes to the fluctuations in household expenses across states, the largest four — mortgage, rent, utilities and auto loans — drive the majority of the differences, says Jim Kreyenhagen, VP of marketing and consumer services at doxo.

These combined costs are over twice as much in Hawaii as in West Virginia, Kreyenhagen says.

Housing, in particular, drives most of the variability. "In general, the more expensive the housing, the more expensive other bills are," Kreyenhagen says, but adds that there are exceptions. Wyoming, for example, has high housing costs, but other costs are relatively low.

Here's a full breakdown of how much residents of each state spend on average on household bills.

States ranked by amount of monthly household expenses

Rank State Total spent per month Percentage of household income Compared to national average
42Alabama$1,655 40%12.40%
4Alaska$2,484 38%31.50%
30Arizona$1,829 37%3.10%
49Arkansas$1,534 40%18.80%
3California$2,529 39%33.90%
11Colorado$2,147 36%13.70%
7Connecticut$2,311 34%22.30%
22Deleware$1,904 34%0.80%
18Florida$1,943 42%2.90%
28Georgia$1,833 38%3.00%
1Hawaii$2,731 41%44.60%
36Idaho$1,698 38%10.10%
19Illinois$1,934 34%2.40%
47Indiana$1,597 34%15.50%
31Iowa$1,789 36%5.30%
35Kansas$1,727 34%8.60%
43Kentucky$1,622 39%14.10%
29Louisiana$1,832 45%3.00%
23Maine$1,900 40%0.60%
6Maryland$2,356 33%24.70%
5Massachusetts$2,464 36%30.50%
34Michigan$1,734 36%8.20%
17Minnesota$2,007 34%6.30%
48Mississippi$1,567 42%17.00%
45Missouri$1,612 34%14.70%
26Montana$1,835 42%2.80%
41Nebraska$1,663 33%12.00%
20Nevada$1,928 39%2.10%
10New Hamsphire$2,188 34%15.80%
2New Jersey$2,562 36%35.70%
46New Mexico$1,608 40%14.80%
8New York$2,252 37%19.20%
32North Carolina$1,768 39%6.40%
27North Dakota$1,835 35%2.90%
39Ohio$1,666 35%11.80%
44Oklahoma$1,619 37%14.30%
16Oregon$2,071 40%9.60%
33Pennsylvania$1,767 34%6.40%
12Rhode Island$2,147 39%13.60%
38South Carolina$1,690 39%10.50%
37South Dakota$1,691 36%10.50%
40Tennessee$1,663 38%11.90%
24Texas$1,883 36%0.30%
25Utah$1,844 32%2.40%
15Vermont$2,073 41%9.80%
14Virginia$2,101 33%11.20%
9Washington$2,199 36%16.40%
50West Virginia$1,485 39%21.40%
21Wisconsin$1,923 38%1.80%
13Wyoming$2,107 41%11.50%

Source: doxo
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