• President Donald Trump's "fire and fury" comment Tuesday and mixed messages from the administration on North Korea are making U.S. Asian allies uneasy, and they're growing the risk on the Korean Peninsula
  • "You have a danger of miscalculation and a danger of escalation," said Bruce Klingner, the Central Intelligence Agency's former deputy division chief for Korea
  • Ex-U.S. diplomat Joseph DeThomas said what's needed by the Trump administration is a "very clear deterrence policy — not this kind of fly-off-the-handle and say something one day, and then say something the opposite the other day"

President Donald Trump's "fire and fury" warning on Tuesday may contribute to mixed messages to North Korea and U.S. allies in Asia — increasing the risk of miscalculation on the Korean Peninsula, according to U.S. experts.

National security and foreign policy experts say it is critical for the administration to maintain a consistent message on North Korea since wavering on different viewpoints risks alienating key allies South Korea and Japan.