• Cisco and American Well are working on bringing virtual medical visits to homes across the country. 
  • Traditionally, virtual medical visits are conducted via laptops and smartphones. 
  • But the television set might be more accessible, especially for older Americans. 
Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins speaks at the 4th World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, China, in December 2017.

Cisco is teaming up with telemedicine provider American Well on a project to convert people's television sets into a virtual medical office.

The tech giant in the early stages of developing a device that sits on top of televisions and integrates with American Well's technology. The idea is to target people who have serious medical conditions, as well as older Americans, who might regularly need medical assistance. These users would be able to connect with one of American Well's doctors and its broader network of large hospitals via a live video feed in their living rooms.