Your Health, Your Dollars

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    Like many things in America these days, health care has been politicized. While the policy debate may strike many in Washington as all-important, for the majority of average Americans health care is primarily a matter of goods and services

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    Many consumers assume that their health insurer, hospital, or state medical licensing agencies have vetted physicians who are open for business, but oversight is more lax than you might think.

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    What if doctor's offices were like gym memberships? Pay a monthly fee and come as often as you like: no insurance, no deductible, no paperwork, no bill.  It's called direct primary health care and may be available in your state.

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    With so many Americans working as consultants or freelancers because of the bad economy, more people are paying for their own coverage. Here's a guide to finding a provider.

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    What used to be mostly a matter of phony billing has spread to questionable medical procedures and identity theft, costing patients and insurers more than ever.

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    The reasons  Americans pay more than other industrialized countries for similar health care come down to how the system is run, starting with the bottom line.

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    Though the U.S. had made much progress taking medical record keeping into the digital age, there's still some doubt that the government will reach its target by the prescribed deadline.

  • While some people are frustrated about the long wait times for doctors appointments, some believe doctors are doing their jobs.

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    There's growing debate over whether America can afford Medicare as it is currently constructed and the costs sustainable.

  • Your Health, Your Dollars - A CNBC Special Report

    Critics of the Affordable Care Act say they are not seeing any change in costs and are worried that government-run health care will increase taxes and allow insurance companies to operate without rules.

  • Maybe people need a distraction from the bleak economic headlines of the day, or maybe its America's obsession with youth. Either way, business is booming in the business of nips, tucks, and lifts. Cosmetic plastic surgery procedures rose two percent to 1.6 million in 2010, according to a recent study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), which represents 7,000 board-certified plastic surgeons. "Consumers are willing to spend on themselves again and confidence is up," says Dr. Phil

    Business is booming in the business of nips, tucks, and lifts. What are the most popular cosmetic procedures? Find out!

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    How much do you know about reform legislation and health care?

  • Sales of superfoods have exploded in recent years as Americans look for easy ways to make their daily diet more healthy. “Consumers are increasingly looking for healthful nutrients from foods rather than from supplements,” says Bob Jones, a principal at Scientia Advisors. Superfoods are touted for their high nutrient content and disease-fighting properties. However, the health effects of these foods are controversial. While there is no set definition for superfoods, the term is often used for ma

    Here's a look at top-selling superfoods grown in the U.S., based on retail sales data from the Perishables Group, a fresh food industry consulting firm.

  • The pharmaceutical business is an extremely profitable one. According to the , spending on medicine in the U.S. alone exceeded $307 billion in 2010. For many drug makers, one money-spinner can carry a company for years, even longer, before the patent expires and low-cost generic versions can be made. The IMS recently released its annual list of the top-10 selling drugs in the US based on sales. Each of them have brought in at least $3 billion dollars in sales. However, a majority of these drugs

    For many drug makers, one money-spinner can carry a company for years, before the patent expires.Here are the ten top-selling prescription drugs in the U.S.

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    “Flexible savings accounts are today what the 401(k) match was 10 or 15 years ago, where people didn’t grasp that this free opportunity was sitting there,” says one financial expert.

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    In the first overhaul of the system in 25 years, younger, healthier people will be given priority preference for kidneys over older, sicker people. This is a major change over the previous system which favored patients on a waiting list – first come, first served – irrespective of age or health condition.

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    While some believe government intervention in health-care reform is the only way forward, there are already health-care organizations around the country that can deliver better quality care at a lower cost.

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    Is legislated healthcare reform here to stay? As we watch the presidential race heat up – and look to a Supreme Court ruling this summer — no one knows for sure. Regardless, we as a nation need to realize that traditional thinking around healthcare is forever changed.

  • Health care is one of the hottest topics both in Washington and around the country, but there is no question that the level of health varies greatly from state to state.Which US states have the healthiest populations and most robust health care systems? Which states lag behind? To help answer this question,  compiles data on all 50 states - employing a methodology that encompasses everything from public policy and clinical care to resident behaviors, community and the environment - to develop a

    Which US states have the healthiest populations and most robust health care systems? Which states lag behind? Find out now!

