Five ways to make stepping outside your comfort zone a lot more comfortable

If you want to grow, you’re going to have to take a leap forward and take a risk.

Playing it safe is easy, but as they say, no pain no gain. Sure, it's scary going out on a limb but it's an important part of growing your business and your own skill set. Entrepreneurialism is a bumpy road, with lots of twists and turns along the route to success. Here are a few ways to better prepare yourself for the big changes ahead:

  1. Be curious. It opens you up to doing new things and makes you less fearful.
  2. Make it a habit to mix things up. Changing smaller routines will open you up changing bigger things.
  3. Take small steps. You don't need to go all in. Stretching your comfort zone slowly can be less frightening.
  4. Do a little research. Learning the ropes before you attempt something can reduce many of the fears you may have.
  5. Accept that it will be uncomfortable. Knowing that growth is uncomfortable makes it easier to tolerate.

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