Cramer Remix

Cramer Remix: Don't play with this stock

Cramer Remix: Don't play with this stock
Cramer Remix: Don't play with this stock

Jim Cramer is frustrated at the market. It just doesn't act like he wants it to! Instead it has massive swings up and down, with Friday ending in the red.

What the heck gives? What could be ailing the market to drag it down?

It certainly is not the United States, which makes this situation even more difficult. The issue stems from currency. Unfortunately the hedge funds and money managers have been caught with their pants down, yet again, because of the strength of the U.S. dollar.

Really? Did they not see this coming? Perhaps they did, but it was the speed in which the U.S. dollar gained strength that was most surprising.

In Cramer's perspective, the area that will see the most pain from the currency debacle are foreign companies that have U.S. denominated debt. Unfortunately, those are the companies that will have a hard time paying interest on the debt because of the weak local currency.

There is one company that scares Cramer the most. He is determined to educate investors about this company, because if it goes bust because of the extensive debt it carries on the books, it could bring down the whole market.

Brazilian oil and gas company Petrobras has a massive $135 billion in debt, which could be extremely difficult to pay back when the low price of oil is taken into consideration.

Read MoreCramer's game plan: Biggest fear on the dollar

A pedestrian walks on the street through the snow during a winter blizzard in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Brian Snyder | Reuters

On a day when the market is down horrendously, Cramer likes to look for stocks of high-quality companies that you can rely on to deliver excellent returns.

One of those companies is, a cloud-based software company that recently became the fastest enterprise software company to hit $5 billion in annual sales. Cramer refers to this one as "the king of cloud."

With Cramer still glowing from his discussion with Tim Cook on Thursday, he had to find out if will expand its business and get in on the Apple game. To find out, Cramer spoke with CEO Marc Benioff.

"We have our amazing new way of analytics cloud, and we running today on the Apple Watch. In fact, you can run your business right from your wrist," Benioff said.

Thanks to Mother Nature, many of the cars around the country spent the winter driving through ugly slush and monstrous potholes left in the wake of big snow storms. And while it is certainly frustrating to take your car in for repair, Cramer sees it as a trend for profit.

"Everybody needs a new rim, which means all these potholes aren't just a problem, they're an investment opportunity!" Cramer said.

As long as you are willing to do the homework and take the time to the pick up the cues in your everyday life, there is always a path to terrific investments!

"You drive over enough potholes, and believe me, your car or truck or SUV is going to need some work done if you want to keep having a smooth ride," the "Mad Money" host said.

This means it's time to go to Cramer's favorite auto part retailer, AutoZone. In its conference call last week the company confirmed a spike in sales from the rough winter.

The reason why this is the perfect time to scoop up some AutoZone: spring is right around the corner. According to AutoZone's research, given on the conference call, the do-it-yourself fixers come out of the woodwork when winter ends.

Read More All those potholes? Cramer sees profit opportunity

In celebration of 10 years of "Mad Money," Jim Cramer took the time to look back over the past decade to find the best performing stocks.

When Cramer started doing the research, he was shocked at what he found!

"As I was doing my research, I realized that if you bought these stocks after they'd already been the best performer in the market for a year…these winners continued to make you a fortune," the "Mad Money" host said.

Cramer added that the reason why these stocks continued to reap benefits even after they became popular was because they are high-quality companies that dominate their industries. So, let's take a look, year by year.

2005: The best performing stock of the was Monster Beverage, which was known as Hansen Natural back then. This stock has continued to rage since then, and Cramer thinks Monster still has more room to run.

2010: This was the year of Netflix, when video streaming came out as a major player. And while it has been a bumpy road, this is one stock that just keeps on winning.

2014: The big winner was Southwest Airlines, which was part of the entire airline industry roaring due to the collapse in the cost of jet fuel. Cramer thinks that prices for fuel will stay down for awhile longer. The fact that competition has been reduced by a wave of mergers and acquisitions bodes well for Southwest.

"If this list teaches us anything, it's that when you find a truly incredible company, don't get scared away when its stock shoots through the roof," Cramer said.

Read More Cramer's top 10 performers from the past 10 years

In the Lightning Round, Cramer gave his take on a few caller favorite stocks:

Dave & Busters: "Too risky for me, I remember the inconsistency in the old days and I know it's better than it was public last time but I can't go there."

Acadia Pharmaceuticals: "Too dicey for me. They've had some management turmoil there...I'm going to stay away."

Read MoreLightning Round: This is too dicey for me