Your Job, Your Life 2011

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    American couples have increasingly been faced with parting temporarily to either make ends meet or find jobs in line with their skills. Here's a short guide to coping.

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    The question of whether to accept an offer that’s only so-so or, worse, beneath one’s pay grade is a growing source of angst for the 14 million Americans who remain unemployed.

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    The worst job market since the Great Depression has stunned millions of Americans. Unemployment is having a huge impact on the individual, family and community.

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    A job loss can be devastating to a family's finances. Your "Plan B" might be starting your own business, going back to school or training for a new career while looking for a new job. How do you begin?

  • Your Job, Your Life - A CNBC Special Report

    Unemployment remains stubbornly high, while job creation frustratingly slow.

  • Your Job, Your Life - A CNBC Special Report

    Uncle Sam has spent tens of billions of dollars on unemployment benefits over the past few years. Some say it has been a lifeline for the long-term unemployed. Others say it has kept people from taking available jobs.

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    Companies both large and small have been slow in creating jobs in the current recovery, and have cited many reasons for it.

  • Depending on country of residence, dramatic differences exist in the working lives of citizens from different nations. took a look at several major factors that can significantly affect the quality of work life - average income, income taxes, retirement age, average work week and average vacation days - over 22 select countries around the world to compare how these factors vary. The characteristics of a working life within a country also have an effect on the macroeconomic situation, su

    Depending on country of residence, dramatic differences exist in the working lives of citizens from different nations. took a look at several major factors that can significantly affect the quality of work life — average income, income taxes, retirement age, average work week and average vacation days — over 22 select countries around the world.

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    It probably makes sense to convert your old 401 (k) to a Roth IRA  if you think you're going to be in a higher tax bracket later and you have the money to pay the taxes you'll incur with the conversion.

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    Looking for a job is a lot like dating. One of the most important things is to get your mojo working. Do whatever you have to do — listen to a song on your iPod that pumps you up or jump on a couch like Tom Cruise, just get that mojo flowing!

  • When you think of jobs that pay six figures, you think doctor, lawyer -- and anything with the word “chief,” “director,” “engineer” or “petroleum” in it.But there are some jobs that pay six figures that you might not expect. People you may encounter on a daily basis, or some who you may not, but never suspect they make that much.Take, for example the recent story about the lifeguards in Newport Beach, Calif., who  and some of them, over $200,000!“Generally, high-paid jobs require one or more of

    There are some jobs that pay six figures that you might not expect. Here are 15 surprising examples of jobs that pay $100,000 or more.

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    Rising life expectancies coupled with escalating health-care costs will force the baby boom generation to rethink the conventional retirement wisdom of cashing in stocks for bonds.

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    Many laid-off workers have turned to retraining as a lifeline, taking courses to increase their skills and abilities in hopes of landing a new job.

  • There are a slew of  but that doesn’t make them the best jobs.Of course, the job outlook for hiring is important, but when it comes to determining which jobs are the absolute best, there’s also the working environment, the salary, how physically demanding the job is and how stressful it is.  took all of those criteria and came up with their list of the Best Jobs in America for 2011. Two threads run through the list of best jobs – those that involve technology and those that involve statistics an

    There are a slew of jobs in demand right now, but that doesn’t make them the best jobs. Here are some of the best jobs in America for 2011.

