
Can’t handle a President Trump? Science-backed tips to help you get back to work

People hold American flags as they watch voting results at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center on November 8, 2016.
Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images

Millions of Pantsuit Nation loyalists and others still feeling the Bern woke up today alarmed that the United States elected Donald J. Trump to be President.

But don't throw the blanket over your head or repress your feelings as you try to maintain the status quo. Instead, here are a few science-backed steps you can take to reduce stress and be productive at work, even in the face of an emotional shock.

1. Look for the helpers

Mr. Rogers captured this idea perfectly when he said: "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'"

Though Mr. Rogers' advice might be geared at children, science supports it.

Psychological research shows that in times of high-stress, support from others at work can help boost productivity and mood.

For example, supervisors who showed support for employees undergoing stress saw that the employees actually worked harder, according to one study published in the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

In fact, a Gallup poll showed that engagement at work predicted how well a person did on the job.

One of the key factors for building a supportive work environment is "providing support for one another, including offering kindness and compassion when others are struggling," writes researcher and author of "The Happiness Track" Emma Seppala in the Harvard Business Review.

Having a good culture benefits both employees and the company's bottom line, research shows.

2. Be a helper

Co-workers who help others out are more productive and work and are happier.

Researcher and best-selling author Shawn Achor conducted a series of studies and found that people who showed "social support" like helping out others and encouraging office activities were 10 times more likely to be engaged at work than those who kept to themselves.

They were also 40% more likely to get a promotion, he writes in his book "The Happiness Advantage."

Inviting a co-worker out for lunch or a walk could actually help you.

3. Focus on what you can control

Thinking about all the things you cannot control will only trigger more internal anxiety.

Psychologists and counselors recommend making your environment as conducive to stress-free work as you can during stressful times. Make sure you have enough light to do your work, are sitting in a comfortable chair and don't have distractions in front of you, experts suggest.

Focusing on your own body will also help. The Harvard Medical School's online journal says that clenching and then relaxing different muscles like your hands or your facial muscles can help reduce depression and anxiety symptoms.

4. Breathe

The simple act of taking a meditative, deep breathing has been shown to help reduce stress and promote relaxation. UCLA put together a list of guided meditation resources, some as short as 3 or 5 minutes, for free use.

"Deep breathing is the cornerstone of many other relaxation practices, too, and can be combined with other relaxing elements such as aromatherapy and music," a resource by counselors at University of California, Davis reads. "All you really need is a few minutes and a place to stretch out."

One neuroscientist suggests that simply becoming aware of wandering or distracted thoughts can encourage you to center yourself.

5. Go on a walk or exercise

"As evidence piles up, the exercise-mental health connection is becoming impossible to ignore," writes Kirsten Weir for the American Psychological Association.

Taking a walk is linked to increased levels of happiness and concentration.

In fact, experts say that after a mere five minutes of moderate exercise, even walking, people see positive effects.