
Former Google career coach: Here's what to do if you think your boss hates you

Former Google career coach: Here's what to do if you think your boss hates you
Former Google career coach: Here's what to do if you think your boss hates you

Your relationship with your manager is important. Besides making decisions about your compensation, they teach you new skills and can help you achieve your own career goals.

But not everyone has a thriving relationship with their manager. In fact, a 2015 Gallup survey of more than 7,000 people found that 50 percent had left a job to "get away from their manager."

So what do you do if you feel your boss doesn't exactly like you? Jenny Blake, career coach, co-founder of Google's mentorship program and author of the career guide "Pivot: The Only Move that Matters is Your Next One," has some advice.

Source: Mark Hanauer

Blake suggests the "EAR formula," which stands for "event, action, result."

Instead of letting fear or frustration bottle up, use the method to start an honest and professional conversation with your boss.

First, pinpoint a recent event that made you feel like your boss dislikes you. Recall what happened or the action that took place and then how it made you feel.

"For example" Blake says, "when you were at the team meeting, your manager said a comment that was hurtful to you and the result was you were left feeling discouraged."

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Once you've thought about it yourself, try bringing it up with your manager in your next one-on-one meeting, Blake says.

You can say something like, "I feel that something may be off between us and I wanted to check in around it," she says. Then, if your manager asks for examples, you can discuss the interaction or interactions you thought about previously.

"Most often," Blake says, "this is a simple misunderstanding and a difference in communication styles. So approach it from as neutral a position as you can."

Hopefully, your manager will talk about a solution and you'll be able to walk out of the meeting feel more secure about the relationship. If you don't, it might be time to get advice from your HR representative or look to move either within or outside of your company.

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