Power Players

Gwyneth Paltrow: Selling Goop products on Amazon wouldn't 'be good for us'


Gwyneth Paltrow may be a fan of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos as a business person, but you won't see Goop products on his site anytime soon, Paltrow tells Julia Boorstin in an interview with CNBC Make It.

"One of the special things about Goop is it's mostly direct-to-consumer, [and] that we choose the channels carefully," the Goop founder and CEO said when asked if she would sell Goop products on Amazon.

"I don't think a marketplace would be good for us, but I admire the business so much," she tells CNBC Make It.

Goop, which began in 2008 as a travel and lifestyle newsletter sells high-end beauty, fashion, wellness and home products, including Goop's in-house line of dietary supplements, skincare and clothing, which is company's fastest-growing revenue stream, Forbes reported in 2018.

And while Paltrow doesn't think Amazon is the right place for Goop's luxury goods (and other luxury retailers agree), she recently announced that brand would begin selling its Goop-branded $60 detoxifying tonics, $90 vitamin blends and other wellness and beauty products at Sephora stores.

"We've been wrestling with the idea of if we should have a wholesale partner or if we should keep it all direct to consumer," Paltrow told CNBC Make It. "And I think that when the Sephora opportunity presented itself it was just too good of an opportunity to reach a new customer."

Still, Paltrow would "really love" something from Bezos: a half hour of his time "to pick his brain about e-commerce" and ask him "dorky" questions about the business, Paltrow told CNBC Make It.

Paltrow has previously said she is "fascinated" by the way that the richest man in the world runs his business.

Paltrow once cold-called the Amazon CEO in hopes that she could ask how he has tenaciously entered markets from grocery to healthcare.

"[H]e sort of gives himself license at every turn to go into every business and I would want to psychologically understand the why and the engine behind that," Paltrow said at South by Southwest in March.

Though the two did eventually connect over email, Paltrow says Bezos didn't respond after she asked for a sit down.

Of course, Goop seems to be doing just fine without Bezos' help — the company was valued at $250 million in 2018, according to The New York Times.

However Goop has received some backlash over the years for promoting controversial and potentially harmful products or treatments under the guise of "wellness. In October 2018, Goop settled a $145,000 lawsuit for selling $66 vaginal jade eggs "whose advertised medical claims were not supported by competent and reliable science."

"[T]o generalize and say there's been controversy around us I don't think is quite fair, especially when you look at other businesses and some of the hot water they've gotten into along the way," Paltrow told CNBC Make It.

"We're really just trying to move culture forward, especially as it comes to women," she says, adding the company has since hired an in-house regulatory team to vet scientific claims.

-Reporting by Julia Boorstin

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Goop announces first brick-and-mortar partnership with Sephora
Goop announces first brick-and-mortar partnership with Sephora